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Actor Robbie Coltrane, Harry Potter’s Hagrid, dies at 72

LONDON — Scottish actor Robbie Coltrane, who played a crime-solving psychologist on TV series “Cracker” and the half-giant Hagrid in the “Harry Potter” movies, has died. He was 72.

Coltrane’s agent Belinda Wright said he died Friday at a hospital in Scotland. She did not give a cause.

Coltrane came to fame as a hard-bitten detective in the 1990s series “Cracker,” for which he won best actor at the British Academy Television Awards three years running.

He played gentle half-giant Hagrid, a mentor to the boy wizard, in all eight Harry Potter films, released between 2001 and 2011.

Other roles include a Russian crime boss in the James Bond thrillers “GoldenEye” and “The World is Not Enough.”

Coltrane gained rave reviews for playing a beloved TV star who may harbor a dark secret in the 2016 miniseries “National Treasure.”

Wright said that “as well as being a wonderful actor, he was forensically intelligent, brilliantly witty and after 40 years of being proud to be called his agent, I shall miss him.”

Wright said Coltrane is survived by his sister Annie Rae, his ex-wife Rhona Gemmell and his children Spencer and Alice.

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