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Army Veteran Got Pulled Over By Cop – Who Points To Something In Front Of His Vehicle

William Jazwinski, from New York, is a former Heavy Wheeled Vehicle Operator for the US Army, who served in Iraq. He was driving his car one day when he was pulled over by a police officer. He thought that he was speeding. The officer then asked him where he serves. Jazwinski answered that he went to Iraq. Did a 15 monther, out of Fort. Benning. The cop told him that he had a son who didn’t make it out there. Jazwinski added that he  just finished a PTSD program, and was on his way home.

It was then the cop asked for the unexpected. He asked for a hug from Jazwinski himself, as he stated to the army man that he reminded him of his deceased son. Read the full story here ▶