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Dad gets a call that is son is acting up in class, so he decided to do the one thing that will make him behave

We all know one of those kids who just can’t seem to behave themselves in class. Maybe you were one of those kids during your high school days, or perhaps you just got stuck seated next to the class clown, but rest assured, there was always at least one trouble maker interrupting the teacher’s lesson plan and sending the rest of the students into a fit of laughter.

Unless you were the class troublemaker, you probably didn’t know how often the teacher or principal had to call the parents of the rambunctious student.

Chances are, the parents already know about their child’s tendency to misbehave and are trying to get a handle on it themselves. But one father was so tired of getting calls about his son that he decided to take matters into his own hands. Read the full article here ▶