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Dying Husband Takes Wife’s Kidney, Repays Her By Doing The Unimaginable

After suffering several health problems, one man discovered that he was dying and Doctors quickly learned that he needed a new kidney to survive. However, after waiting for years for a match to be donated, his wife was tested and approved to donate hers to her husband.

Unfortunately, after she gave him one of her own organs – he repaid her by doing the absolute unimaginable and is officially labeled the world’s worst husband because of it.

Simon Burke has a condition called reflux nephropathy, “a condition in which the kidneys are damaged by the backward flow of urine into the kidney,” according to NLM. Unfortunately, his condition progressed and he was told that without dialysis he would die.

His wife, Tracey, was absolutely devastated when she heard the news and immediately began hoping the doctors would be able to find her hubby a match. Read the full article here ▶