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Four young boys followed a drunk girl and her ‘father’ – realized something was wrong and immediately took action

We all want to think that we would behave in a certain way in a specific situation. But thoughts and reality are often far apart from each.

For 4 Canadian boys, there was only one way to act when they witnessed a terrifying situation unfolding before their eyes. One night, like any other night, Arno Niemanye, Karsyn Wright, James Hilmia and Sterlin Reeves-Perez were out skateboarding in the park when they saw something that seemed very strange to them.

They saw a well-dressed older man walking with a 15-year-old girl – who looked drunk and distressed. Instead of ignoring the situation, and continuing to skateboard, the four decided to follow the couple, and as it turned out, it’s very good that they did so … Read the full story here ▶