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He kept grabbing his Mother’s sewing machine, why? His reason is warming hearts everywhere

Campbell Remess isn’t your average kids. When Campbell was only 9-years-old, when he asked his parents to buy gifts for children at their local hospital. Campbell is one of nine children, and his parents can only afford the family’s necessities.

Since his parents couldn’t buy any gifts, Campbell decided to get creative. For the past three years, he’s used his free time to sew teddy bears for charity.

It took Campbell 5 hours to finish his first bear. And now, he sews a gift daily (in about an hour) and visits the local hospital once a week.

Many people donate materials to Campbell to make the teddy bears. They’ve lost count, but Mom believes he’s probably made about 700-800 bears in just three years.

His mom thinks Campbell sees sadness and tries to turn it upside down with the teddy bears.