When Kelsey Ferguson found out she was pregnant with a baby boy, she was completely and utterly over the moon. After marrying her college sweetheart Scott in 2016, the couple had spent a year trying to have a baby and Kelsey sadly miscarried their first childhood eight weeks. With the help of fertility treatment, the couple found out they were expecting again in 2017. In a personal essay for Love What Matters, the mum explained how they were told their son had a heart defect and a chromosomal abnormality at the 20 week scan, meaning it was unlikely he would survive the birth. She recalled, the doctor came into the room and said, I’m sorry, he is terminal and will not survive.
Scott and I said, we would not give up and we would keep fighting for this baby until his last breath. As a result, Kelsey had to go into hospital for tests twice a week as the baby was measuring so small. It was around this time that Scott started experiencing body aches, joint pain, a nasty cough and fever, but the couple assumed it was a cold brought on by his new job in their recent House move. Read the full story here ▶