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Man dumped His fat girlfriend, but two years later He regretted it…

The story starts in the Russian city of Nizhni Navgarad. Anya is a woman in her 20s who lives with Jenya, her bodybuilder and swimming instructor boyfriend. She works at a bakery and is constantly surrounded by food. She was a size zero when the couple first met, but she’s acquired a significant amount of weight in recent months. They are summoned to a friend’s wedding one day.

Anya tries on clothes for a few months ago and discovers they no longer fit. She tries to comfort herself by telling herself that no one will notice, but the alteration in her body is enormous. Jenny is aware of this, but he avoids commenting on how much weight she’s gained, since he recognizes that it’s a sensitive subject for her. Anya finds a great outfit and gets ready after trying on a few and ripping a few in the process. Jenna’s face drops in surprise when he sees her in the gown. Read the full story here ▶