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Missouri mom beaten by teen girls, 13 & 14, who tried fighting 16yr old daughter

Michelle Audo Missouri mom beaten by two teen girls who arrived at the family house trying to fight the woman’s 16 year old daughter.
A Missouri mother has claimed been beaten at the hands of two teen girls who showed up at the family home looking to fight the woman’s 16 year old daughter. The confrontation led to the parent incurring a concussion, a broken nose and two black eyes.

Michelle Audo, 48, said she and her husband were asleep when their two daughters woke them up and said a ‘carload of girls’ was outside their home in Blue Springs and wanting to fight the younger one the Kansas City Star reported.

The mother said she went outside and told the girls who has arrived in a white sedan to leave only for the girls to refuse, demanding that the woman’s 16-year-old daughter come out and face them. Read the full article here ▶