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Mom Boils Toilet Paper After Going Through Hard Times, Shares Results That Stun The Internet

When faced with an insurmountable problem, some people turn to drugs or alcohol, but former Marine Amber Mills uses her creativity to help distract her from her woes. When Mills, mother of three, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, she became depressed. But, when she heard about a contest – she decided to give it a try, oh, and the contest was about using toilet paper creatively!

Every day she juggled her hectic life as a mother and getting her entry for the contest ready and when you see what she was able to make with toilet paper, you will be shocked! Amber made a wedding dress, and it doesn’t look at all like it was made from toilet paper! The dress is made of pink and white toilet tissue, glue, tape, and thread. Read the full article here ▶