Rejected by his mother, he went to live in an abandoned house and what. He found there changed his whole life. For today’s story, we’ll show how a young boy can learn a great lesson. By imitating this little animal. Gustavo was a young boy of only six who suddenly found himself in a. Very difficult situation for his age. His mother was an alcoholic and very.
Problematic sent him away from home because. Her new boyfriend, the violent and drug addicted man, didn’t like him. So it was a very difficult situation. For his age because he had nowhere to go. But despite the fear the little boy had of being abandoned by his own mother, he tried to be strong and courageous, knowing that continuing there would be even more risky because the boyfriend of his mother was a very violent man.
The life with his mother was no. Longer easy because of the alcohol person she was. It’s very problematic that made him go. Through many difficulties, so he knew that sooner or later that would end up happening. Gustavo then went out through the streets. Of the city and thoughtful, carrying only. A few clothes and trying to find. Some place where he could at least spend the night. Read the full story here ▶