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Passenger passed a note to a flight attendant ‘threatening to wipe out all 117 passengers for the most unbelievable reason’!

Per reports, the 38-year-old first-class passenger, later identified as Brandon, passed a note to a flight attendant. Police officials said that in the note, the passenger reportedly threatened to kill everyone on board if the pilot landed in the designated destination.

Flight 334’s path abruptly changed after he passed a note to the flight attendant, a federal complaint revealed.

There is a bomb on this plane,’ Brandon said. “This is not a joke. Several pounds of homemade explosives are in my carry-on bag. I have a detonator with me. Handle this matter carefully and exactly how I say, otherwise, I will detonate the explosives and kill everyone on board.” According to the statement, the 38-year-old also wrote that he had nothing left to lose and demanded the plane be rerouted from its destination. Read the full story here ▶