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The School Took Down All The American Flags. The Students’ Reactions Are Going Viral

When Americans are told that they should not be patriotic, there’s often only one way to respond – by going bigger. There have been numerous reports of people who have posted America flags at their properties only to have the homeowner’s association order them to remove the flags, which has sparked patriots to fly more flags or bigger flags – and a similar incident occurred at a public school in Franklin County, Virginia.

When officials at the Franklin County High School found out that students were flying American flags from the backs of their vehicles, they ordered the students to stop being so patriotic. Although the specific reason why the leadership at the school cracked down on the students at the high school is unclear, they took it upon themselves to forbid the students from expressing the patriotism and love of democratic ideals. To these students, the American represents freedom and democracy and all things that people love about the United States. But the administration in charge of the school felt that these students were being too aggressive with expressing their love for America. That’s why the school gave the students an ultimatum to stop flying the flag or face punishment.

But what do you think the patriotic students at the Virginia high school did? Do you think they followed the rules and obeyed the non-patriotic rule that was forced upon them by the school administration?

No. They flew the American flag even though it was against the rule.

But the school fought back. They said the way the students flew the flag was “offensive” and “disruptive” to running the school. Perhaps, there was more to it than just the flag, but that seemed to be what they targeted in their rules against the students.

Because the small group of patriotic students was forbidden from flying Old Glory at school, other students rallied behind them and started flying the flag as well. Parents were shocked that the school administered such a rule against the students. They encouraged their students to break the rule and fly the flag just because they were in America and should be allowed to showcase their pride in their nation.

The day after the school created the rule to forbid students from flying the flag from their vehicles, other students attached Old Glory to their pickup trucks and brought the flag onto the Virginia high school campus. They blasted music and drove around in circles, kicking up dust like cowboys and trying to provoke the school’s principal as much as possible.

Following the peaceful protest, the school principal assured parents it was all a “misunderstanding.”

A concerned mother reported that the principal “apologized to the boys and told them that it is not against the rules to fly their flag on their truck. Apparently, it was a big misunderstanding that should have never gotten this far.”

What do you think about the way the Virginia school handled this issue regarding the flying of the flag on campus? Was it mishandled?