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These Are The Parents That Left Their Twin Babies Alone For 4 Days So They Could Party

n Russia, a couple of parents have been charged with murder after they decided to prioritize getting high over the life and wellbeing of their newborn twin babies. For four days straight, the parents drank until blacking out on a relentless binge while leaving their sixteen-week-old twins alone with no one to watch over them. By the time the parents returned from their feel-good drinking binge, the son was in a coma and later died in the hospital from the horrific neglect.

The couple’s daughter is now fighting for her life as the doctors in Russia’s Kamchatka region work to save the baby’s life. The twins were found abandoned by their parents by their grandmother, who rushed them to the hospital as soon as she realized what the neglectful parents did.

Margarita Yanayeva, 23, is the mother. While she was partying and drinking until blackout, she lied to her curious friends when they asked her about her twin babies. Instead of admitting the truth about how she abandoned the babies with no one to watch over them, she told her friends that her babies were stuck in the hospital sick with the coronavirus.

Instead of taking care of their newborn twins, Margarita and her 35-year-old partner, Alexey, from Vilyuchinsk, locked the babies in their home while they went on a blackout drinking binge for four days straight. By the time the grandmother came across the little ones, they were in terrible shape.

The boy died from starvation, and his twin sister is fighting for her life in intensive care.

“In the course of four days, they were not feeding the children and did not arrange alternative care for them,” said an investigation source.

While the parents could have tried to find someone to watch the children or given up their dream of drinking recklessly to the point of blacking out for days on end, the parents “subjected them to hunger, did not ensure hygiene, leaving the minors were in a socially dangerous state.”

The murder occurred while the section of Russia was under lockdown due to the novel coronavirus. The grandmother of the twins grew concerned when she repeatedly failed to reach the couple by phone. Although the parents should have been at home with their children, they were not answering the call, so the grandmother decided to come to the property to perform a welfare check.

When the grandmother got inside the house, she found the children near death. She immediately called the police.

Now the neglectful parents face up to twenty years behind bars if the Russian prosecutors are capable of convicting them of murdering the innocent newborn baby boy. Besides the murder charges, the parents also face additional charges related to the cruel and abusive way they treated the surviving daughter.

Readers on Daily Mail were outraged by these Russian parents.

“First things first. Lock them in a room with no food, no water, and no toilet and leave them there for four days. Then let them out, hose them down and lock them up.”

“It is a prison for those two. Prisons in Russia are not like prisons in the West. If they survive, it will be cold in winter, hot in summer, overcrowding, TB, and a soup and bread diet.”

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