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Today’s Wordle Answer #481 – October 13, 2022 Solution And Hints

Brandon Bell/Getty Images

If you’ve been a long-term Wordle fan, you’ll know by now that sometimes the most common words are the most difficult to guess. Today’s puzzle answer is one of those words — it’s in common usage, but it has a very unusual letter combination. If you’re struggling, here are some hints to help you figure out the answer before you run out of attempts. We’ll also provide the full solution in the second section so you can skip on down to take a peek if you don’t mind the spoiler.

Today’s word contains the letter “Q,” which is one of the least used letters in the alphabet, and that explains why it might be hard to guess. In most words where there’s a “Q,” there’s always a “U,” and this word is no exception. In this case, “U” is the third letter, and there are two other vowels, “E” and “A,” as the first and fourth letters, respectively. There are no repeated letters, and the word is an adjective that qualifies something as being of the same measure or quantity number as another. The word also pops up in mathematics frequently and has a symbol that resembles a bridge.

The word completes the popular saying, all fingers are not …


The answer to today’s Wordle puzzle (#481 — October 13, 2022) is equal. Something or someone is equal to another if it has the same quantity or worth. You could also use the word as a noun or verb, in which case it would refer to something that’s of the same worth as another, or to make something identical to another in measure or quantity, respectively. The word equal is from the Latin word “aequalis,” which means uniform or identical, and from “aequus,” meaning level or even (via Etymonline).

We solved the puzzle in five tries today, our first guess having been WordleBot’s recommended starting word, slate. That turned three tiles yellow, and we followed up with the word baled in the hopes of getting some green tiles early. That didn’t work, and it’s not an effective strategy anyway: it’s better to focus on eliminating as many letters as early as possible than trying to guess the answer quickly. By the fourth guess, which was the word legal, we had gathered enough information to guess correctly on the fifth try. We hope you do it in fewer tries. Also, check out other puzzles like Wordle that you might enjoy.