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‘Together We Serve’—How These Strangers’ Tattoos Brought One Woman to Tears

When Michelle Torino-Barcelos and her husband went to lunch on Sunday, they never expected to encounter God. At least not in the way that they did.

In a beautiful game of people-watching, Michelle recalls her intrigue of a man, and later his wife, their tattoos and their actions. She took to Facebook to tell about the experience.

Michelle says she and her husband were having a late lunch at McAllister’s Deli when she noticed a young man sitting across from them.

“What caught my attention was the words written in his tattoo on his left arm,” she wrote. “It says, ‘Together we serve’ with a cross sign before it. I told my husband to discretely look at his tattoo, and see how beautiful its meaning is.

Michelle said she was so touched by the tattoo, realizing that it could have double meanings. Please click here to read full article.