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Welfare Mom Of 6 Has Pathetic Justification Of Freeloading…It’s The Worst Yet

When it comes to the freeloaders of the world, there truly are some horrible people out there. However, a literal baby factory may take the cake when she offered a pathetic justification for living life on the system – and it may just be the worst you’ve ever heard.

Sue, 49, from Walsall, England, rakes in about $2,500 every month and says she doesn’t want things to change. Explaining that she has six children from five marriages, the human baby factory currently lives with her youngest two — Jade, 12, and Romeo, 11 – and hasn’t worked in an entire decade.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, the freeloader notes that she’s perfectly happy in her situation, raking in a “free” $30,000 a year. Making matters worse, she’s since given a less than satisfactory excuse as to why she’s not giving up the lifestyle any time soon.

“If I could find a job that would pay the money and still live quite comfortably, then I would be happy to do that,” she told On Benefits: Life on the dole. “At the end of the day, I would have to pay for someone to be with them straight from school and pay for clubs.”

“So when you weigh everything up, you are better off being there for the children yourself,” she said, explaining why she’s on welfare. “But the thing is, you still have to be there emotionally for the kids. Who is going to look after them?”

In essence, Sue’s great excuse accounts for nothing more than wanting to get her kids off the bus every day. I mean, this goes so far beyond your typical “I’m too lazy to work” excuse and almost proves that the freeloader is even too lazy to come up with a good excuse.

She apparently didn’t have any trouble mustering up the energy to pop out children as if she was a factory.

The welfare system is in place for a reason, and there are people who actually need it and depend on it. However, if you have the capability of getting your fat butt off the couch (like so many working parents who aren’t able to “emotionally be there” for their children every day), then it’s time to get a job and be an adult.

Those that don’t acknowledge this are not only lying to themselves, but hurting those of us who are responsible adults.

The second these slobs start bragging about gaming the system is the moment their handouts should stop. I don’t know about you, but I’ve about had it with the worthless members of society. If you can get up and go to work, that’s what you should do. There should be no other option.