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What is Colorado Proposition GG: Adding tax info tables to petitions, ballots?

Colorado’s Proposition GG on the statewide November ballot would require that a tax information table appear on petitions and ballots for each citizen-initiated measure that would change the individual income tax rate. This measure would not change tax rates at all. Instead, it would require that a tax table be provided with measures that seek to change the rates. That table would be required to show the average change in taxes owed for taxpayers in eight different income brackets. The table would also be required to show the average income tax owed for each bracket if the citizen-initiated measure were to pass.

Currently, that tax information is provided with the statewide ballot information booklet but not the ballots themselves.

The case for: Proposition GG would help voters understand how income tax rate changes would affect the amount of money they would owe. The measure would help voters see that information right as they are about to vote for or against a tax rate change.

The case against: The proposition could further complicate statewide ballots and increase the cost of their production and distribution. It would also provide information that is already available ahead of election day in the statewide ballot information booklet and lengthen ballots.

Ballot question: “Shall there be a change to the Colorado Revised Statutes requiring that the ballot title and fiscal summary for any ballot initiative that increases or decreases state income tax rates include a table showing the average tax change for tax filers in different income categories?”

Conrad Swanson | Environment & Politics Reporter

Conrad Swanson covers Colorado’s environment and politics for The Denver Post’s political team. An Iowa native, he joined the paper in November 2019 after stints at the Colorado Springs Gazette, the Lawrence Journal World in Kansas and the Sioux City Journal in Iowa. He graduated from the University of Iowa with a bachelor’s degree in journalism and a focus in economics.

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