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What These Hailstones Did To A Small Child Is Absolutely….

If you keep your car registration in the glove compartment — or anywhere else in the vehicle — you could open yourself up to a world of hurt.

Most drivers store their vehicle’s registration in the glove box of their vehicle. This is seen to be the most practical location for these documents because it makes it simple to get them out when police pull you over. However, for one very important reason, police are now advising people to stop leaving their registration documents at this spot.

Consider the following scenario: You leave your car in a public garage to go out for the evening. Theft is aiming for items inside automobiles, like garage door openers, while you’re out to dinner. The bad guy steals into your car, grabs the glove box, and looks through the registration to determine your address. The burglar arrives at your home by car and utilizes your garage door opener to enter quickly. Suddenly, all of your valuable possessions are gone. Read the full story here ▶