When this teacher died, everyone was shocked to see his ID. Friends and former colleagues were shocked to learn two months ago that Genevieve Via Kava, who died in 2011 at the age of 89, had quietly amassed a fortune worth several million dollars, and it left $1 million of it to New Jersey Dumont School District.
A teacher is someone who teaches in their own way doesn’t have to be a teacher from your schooling time. They can be anyone around us. It can be our parents, siblings, relatives, friends, or might even be a stranger.
A teacher doesn’t have to be in a classroom to teach you things. We have to go beyond the context. We have to accept the fact that while we’re living, everything is teaching you something. Not just human beings, but also the nature around us is teaching us some of the values that we should be upholding. So we cannot specify the term teacher to humans alone. Read the full article here ▶