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Why do airlines force their passengers to wear a seat belt? What if she/he doesn’t care about their personal safety? Wouldn’t it be their choice to risk their lives?

The skies are no longer as friendly as they once were, thanks to the soaring number of unruly passengers who think their individual freedom supersedes the safety of others. Recently, a 36-year-old mother and her child were seated next to a passenger who refused to buckle up despite the seatbelt sign being on. The passenger’s nonchalant attitude towards the in-flight safety instructions would have had catastrophic consequences if the plane had hit turbulence or experienced unexpected jolts.

Can you imagine the horror of the mother and her child if the non-compliant passenger had been thrown into them with tremendous force? It is mind-boggling that some passengers still think that their individual preferences and opinions are more critical than the safety of the entire aircraft. Read the full story here ▶