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Boy Grabs 5 Treats At Walmart, Confused Mother Asks Why & Then He Points His Fingers To Them…

As Summer Aldridge of Rosenberg, Texas went to Walmart with her son, she did what most mothers do. She told her son that if he was a good boy during their shopping trip, he would get a reward once they were finished. What he did next however, completely shocked her. It was a moment that she would soon never forget.

Dawson kept his promise to behave, so Summer gave him $5 to reward him for his good behavior. He could have just spent it to get some candy and a drink like he or other boys his age normally would do. But then he decided to put his treats back and spend his hard-earned money to get several boxes of Tic Tacs, instead. Summer was a bit mystified until Dawson asked if they could give them to a group of men standing nearby.

Summer looked over and saw a group of firefighters who were shopping in the store. When she later posted this story on her Facebook page, she proudly said,

“So he used his own 5 dollars and bought them candy and went to give it to them. They were so nice and just hugging him and asking him what he wants for Christmas.”

Dawson had the perfect answer ready for them.

“I wanna be a firefighter for Christmas!”
The firefighters laughed and told him,
“We have room for you buddy. We can have you an application now!”
In her Facebook post, Summer said,
“I officially 150% have the sweetest, most loving, sweet boy around. I am so proud to be his momma.”

She also posted a quote by author L.R. Knost:
“It’s not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world. It’s our job to raise children who make the world a lot less cruel and heartless.”

Dawson’s selfless act of kindness toward the firefighters sure looks like proof that Summer is doing her job.