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Disney will give Elsa, Simba and Peter Pan the “immersive” Van Gogh-like treatment

Disney plans to bring its new Disney Animation Immersive Experience to Denver early next year as part of its national tour, adding a Hollywood twist to the city’s wave of buzzy immersive art and entertainment options.

Lighthouse Immersive, the same company that hosts touring art installations such as Immersive Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo and King Tut, will present the show featuring room-sized imagery and music from Disney Animation’s “canon of films — from today’s hits, such as ‘Encanto,’ ‘Zootopia’ and ‘Frozen,’ to all of the classics including ‘The Lion King,’ ‘Peter Pan’ and ‘Pinocchio,’ ” according to a statement.

The family-friendly show will take place at Lighthouse ArtSpace Denver, 3900 Elati St. An opening date and ticket prices have not yet been announced. The show opens in Toronto in December and will begin touring the U.S. in the first four months of 2023.

“The collaboration with Lighthouse Immersive is a first for Disney Animation,” said Clark Spencer, president of Walt Disney Animation Studios, in a statement. “It’s a dream to bring the best of animated storytelling together with the top experts in the immersive art experience.”

Elements of the show have been developed specifically in-house by Lighthouse, producers said. That includes “never-before-seen lobby elements that guests can enjoy before or after entering the gallery,” designed by Lighthouse global creative director David Korins, a Tony nominee for “Hamilton” and other Broadway shows.

“Just imagine journeying through ‘Zootopia’ with Judy Hopps, diving to the ocean floor with Ariel, flying on a magic carpet with Aladdin, and stepping into Casita with Mirabel and the family Madrigal,” he said. “This is where the Disney Animation: Immersive Experience will take you.”

Disney Animation Immersive Experience will announce the schedule of openings, on-sale date for tickets and prices at a future date, according to a publicist. Planned cities include Boston, Cleveland, Detroit, Las Vegas, Nashville and San Antonio.

Lighthouse is also bringing two news shows to town this fall and winter: Immersive Monet & The Impressionists (Nov. 18) and The Immersive Nutcracker, A Winter Miracle (Nov. 19). The company is currently running Immersive King Tut and Immersive Van Gogh at its Denver location on Elati Street.

They join the upcoming Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel Exhibition (no date yet, but coming to Denver) and The Lume’s Dalí Alive, which will present imagery from the work of surrealist superstar Salvador Dalí at the Stanley Marketplace starting on Friday, Oct. 21.

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