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What Biden’s Gatekeeper Blamed His Horrid Numbers On Is Sickening!

It has been revealed how low Joe Biden’s approval numbers are which is shocking considering that he won a historic  81 million votes. How could the most popular president in history have sunk so low within less than a year into his term with a whopping 38% approval in a Quinnipiac Poll?

One would think that if Biden was this magnificent that he would still hold onto at least 50% approval, but nope. Biden is sinking like a stone and just points to the fact that he did not win the election fairly or that he garnered 81 million votes.

The brutal poll shows that Biden has been losing support across the board on issues with his numbers on immigration and the border in the 20s and a solid majority (55 percent) saying the Biden administration is not competent in running the government.

Well, they didn’t have to take a poll to come up with that conclusion. All they had to do was turn off the mainstream media and listen to the melodious chanting in football stadiums saying “F—, Joe Biden!”

At any rate, yesterday during a press conference with Jen Psaki, a reporter asked, “What do you make of these really terrible polls?”

Instead of the little red-headed socialist admitting that Biden has failed on points of his fake presidency, Psaki decided to blame the unvaccinated. After all, that is the only thing that Democrats know how to do. They just continually blame someone else for their own shortcomings and say that if the “unvaccinated or Trump supporters” would just [fill in the blank] everything would be better.

Which is exactly what Psaki did.

“This is a really tough time in our country. We’re still battling Covid and a lot of people thought we’d be through it – including us! And uh, because of the rise of the Delta variant… We still have 20% of the country who’ve decided not to get vaccinated.”VIDEO:

Unbelievable but what else could we expect from these fraudsters?

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