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One inmate found dead in Denver jail; another dies inside El Paso County Jail

An inmate died last week at the Downtown Detention Center in Denver, and another inmate died in the El Paso County Jail, authorities said.

At about 10:45 p.m. Oct. 12, Denver deputies found a man described as “unresponsive”  in a housing unit, a Tuesday news release said.

A medical emergency team was summoned to the area, and the man was pronounced dead on the scene. The Denver Police Department, per protocol with any custodial death, is investigating the incident.

The Denver Office of the Medical Examiner will release the inmate’s identity and the cause and manner of his death.

El Paso County

On Friday, an inmate was found unresponsive inside her cell at the El Paso County Jail, according to a news release. Sheriff’s medical staff, American Medical Response staffers and the Colorado Springs Fire Department responded to the incident.

The inmate is identified as 58-year-old Felicia Hudson. She was booked into the jail on Thursday and was the sole inmate assigned to the cell, the sheriff’s office said.

“We would like to extend our deepest sympathies to Felicia Hudson’s family and friends,” the news release said.

Hudson’s death was described by the El Paso County Coroner’s Office as “non-traumatic.” The final determination of her cause and manner of death is pending the results of toxicology tests taken during the autopsy. Heart disease may have contributed to her death, the release said. An investigation is ongoing.

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