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Denver weather: Thursday set to reach near-record high temperatures

Denver could see near-record high temperatures Thursday.

The high Thursday is 82 degrees, and the previous record for the day was 83 degrees set in 2003. The day will also be windy, with some areas seeing winds of up to 40 mph later in the evening.

The low Thursday night will drop to 44 degrees, then Denver is in for two more warm days before a cool down at the end of the weekend.

Friday’s high will be 78 degrees, and Saturday’s high will be 74 degrees. There will be some concern Friday for near-critical fire conditions with low humidity in the area and some strong winds.

Saturday will also start out dry, but some precipitation possibilities will enter the forecast Saturday night. Denver has a 20% chance of seeing some showers move east from the mountains.

A cold front Sunday brings possibility of some overnight snow as the low will drop to 36 degrees overnight, but Monday’s high will be 53 degrees.

There is a possibility is the mountains of accumulating snow Sunday night. Forecasts show the accumulation could be in the three to eight in range.

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