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Three Colorado men suspected of poaching big game in Park County

Three Colorado men suspected of poaching wildlife in the state have been arrested and are facing felony charges.

On Tuesday, Colorado Park and Wildlife investigators served search warrants at residences in Colorado Springs and Fremont County, arresting three suspects in the case, according to a CPW news release.

The warrants and the arrests are part of an ongoing investigation into poaching in Park County, the CPW said. A vehicle, firearms and wildlife parts were seized as evidence.

David Schlitt, 64, was arrested on suspicion of felony and misdemeanor charges, including willful destruction of elk, failure to prepare game meat for human consumption, and hunting without a proper and valid license.

Robert Schlitt, 36, was arrested on suspicion of felony and misdemeanor charges, including willful destruction of elk and bear, failure to prepare game meat for human consumption, and hunting without a proper and valid license.

Richard Schlitt, 33, was arrested on suspicion of felony and misdemeanor charges, including willful destruction of elk and bear and failure to prepare game meat for human consumption.

“When you poach an animal, not only is it illegal, but you are stealing from the people of Colorado,” said Mark Lamb, CPW’s area wildlife manager for Park County, in the release. “We do not tolerate poaching and take these crimes very seriously.”

The Colorado Springs Police Department aided CPW in serving the search warrants and making arrests.

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