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Two pedestrians die in hit-and-run crashes in the metro area

Two pedestrians died Friday in separate hit-and-run incidents in Brighton and Westminster. One case has a suspect in custody while people in the second incident are searching for the perpetrator.

ROAD CLOSURE: The intersection at North 45th Ave & East 168th Ave is closed due to a hit and run crash between a motorist & a pedestrian. An investigation is underway. If you have information related to this crash please call the non-emergency line at 303-288-1535.

— Brighton PD (@BrightonPolice) October 21, 2022

The Westminster incident happened in the early morning hours Friday, just after midnight, in the area of West 73rd Avenue and Federal Boulevard, police said in a news release. The driver of the vehicle, described as a maroon 2000s Jeep Liberty, fled the scene southbound on Federal. The Jeep sustained heavy front-end damage in the crash.

Anyone with information on the Westminster crash, or on a suspect or the vehicle, is asked to call 303-658-4360, ext. 1, police said.

In Brighton, the hit-and-run crash happened at North 45th Avenue and East 168th Avenue, police said in a 5:49 p.m. Friday tweet.

At 8:05 p.m. police tweeted the crash was fatal and that a suspect was in custody.

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