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Authorities seize drugs, 17 guns and $44,000 cash in Larimer County drug ring bust

Authorities arrested five people in connection with an alleged drug trafficking ring in Fort Collins, Loveland and Frederick last week, according to the Larimer County Sheriff’s office.

The Northern Colorado Drug Task Force seized 17 guns, 3.4 pounds of cocaine, 3.3 grams of fentanyl, LSD, Xanax, 5 pounds of psilocybin mushrooms and $44,000 in cash Wednesday after serving search warrants at four different properties, according to the sheriff’s office.

Officers arrested five people on felony drug charges. The task force is still looking for three additional people who are wanted in connection with the alleged drug trafficking operation.

The properties that were searched were located on the following streets:

  • 1300 block of Nickel Drive, Loveland
  • 900 block of East Swallow Road, Fort Collins
  • 1000 block of East Fifth Street, Loveland
  • 300 block of Seventh Street, Frederick

Shelly Bradbury | Courts Reporter

Shelly Bradbury is the courts reporter at the Denver Post. She joined the paper in 2019 and previously worked as a crime reporter at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette in Pennsylvania and the Chattanooga Times Free Press in Tennessee. She’s been a reporter since 2012, focused on criminal justice. In Pittsburgh, she helped the newspaper earn the 2019 Pulitzer Prize for breaking news after a mass shooting at a local synagogue, and in 2020 she was named a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize in local reporting for an investigation into child sexual abuse among Amish and Mennonite communities.

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